Sun, 3 December 2017
Veronica G. Cardenas is a documentary photographer based in the Rio Grande Valley. Migration issues are a recurring theme that she explores. Her work has been shown at the United Nations, Long Island City Arts in New York City, the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley-UTRGV, Festival of International Books and Arts, FESTIBA, South Texas College, and Festival Internacional de Poesia Latinoamericana, FEIPOL among others. Publications where her work has been featured, including El Mundo, Juxtapoz, Splinter News, Feature Shoot, Neta, Konbini, Texas Observer, San Antonio Current, Austin Chronicle, Black & White Magazine, Society Magazine and Pulse Magazine.
Resources: Miami Street Photography Festival Download the free Candid Frame app for your favorite smart device.
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Direct download: The_Candid_Frame_398_-_Veronica_G._Cardenas.mp3
Category:Photo & Video -- posted at: 8:00pm PDT |