Over the course of his 40-year career, photographer Art Wolfe has worked on every continent and in hundreds of locations. Wolfe’s photographs are recognized throughout the world for their mastery of color, composition and perspective. Wolfe's photographic mission is multi-faceted: art, wildlife advocacy, education, and journalism inform his work.

Wolfe is the host of the award-winning television series Art Wolfe’s Travels to the Edge, an intimate and upbeat series that offers insights on nature, culture, and the realm of digital photography. It now airs worldwide.

Wolfe has released over eighty books, including Earth Is My Witness, The Art of the Photograph, Vanishing Act, Human Canvas, and The Living Wild. His photos have appeared in magazines worldwide, including National Geographic, Smithsonian, Stern, GEO, and Terre Sauvage.

Education is a major component of Wolfe’s work, whether it is about the environment or about photography. He leads photographic tours and gives seminars worldwide.

Along with his numerous book and television awards, Wolfe is the proud recipient of the Nature's Best Photographer of the Year Award, the North American Nature Photography Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award and the Photographic Society of America’s Progress Medal. He is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society, a Fellow of the International League of Conservation Photographers

Wolfe maintains his gallery, stock agency, and production company in Seattle, Washington. His fine artwork is also available through the Rotella Galleries, located in Las Vegas and New York City.



Art Wolfe



David duChemin




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Category:Photo & Video -- posted at: 9:24pm PDT

Noe Montes is a Los-Angeles based photographer who specializes in documentary work for small non-profits. Though he has years of experience in editorial and commercial work, Montes desire that his work help people to tell their stories and effect positive change.

Born to parents who were at the time undocumented migrant workers, he has turned his camera to other migrant families in Southern California. His work focuses on themes of power, media and race.



Noe Montes


Amanda Lopez



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Direct download: The_Candid_Frame_327_-_Noe_Montes.mp3
Category:Photo & Video -- posted at: 9:35am PDT

Kathy Shorr is a freelance photographer based in New York. Her work has been exhibited widely at such galleries as Howard Greenberg Gallery, NY, and Sariedo Gallery, NY. Her series, "Limousine," was included in the prestigious Visa Pour L'Image, International Photo-Journaliosm Festival, in Perpignan, France. Her work has been published in Popular Photography, Newsweek, French Photo, Camera Austria, Photo Review, On Seeing, New York Observer, and The Village Voice. As a freelance educational consultant, Ms. Shorr works with diverse groups of all ages in helping to learn how to express themselves through the lens and screen arts.

Here project SHOT explores the long-term impact of people who have survived gun violence.

Please note that this may be an especially difficult episode considering the recent tragic events in Orlando, Florida. So, please be aware that the content may be sensitive for some listeners.

Please consider supporting the victims and families of the Orlando shooting by submitting a donation to The GLBT Community Center of Central Florida.




Kathy Shorr



Mark Peterson



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Direct download: The_Candid_Frame_326_-_Kathy_Shorr.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:29am PDT

Elias Weiss Friedman is a photographer who is popularly known as The Dogist. He is the creator of the popular Instagram feed and blog which is dedicated to portraits of dogs, primarily found in the city of New York. The Instagram feed, which enjoys over 2 million followers, has culminated into a best-selling book titled, The Dogist: Photographic Encounters with 1000 Dogs.

The Dogist began as a personal photo project soon after Friedman was laid off his job as a brand strategist. He took to the streets making portraits of dogs and sometimes their owners. The result has been an incredibly popular cultural phenomena that has created some unexpected opportunities for the young photographer.



Elias Weiss Friedman (The Dogist)



The Dogist Instagram Feed



Tim Flach



The episode is is sponsored by Squarespace. Take advantage of their free trial to discover how good your images can look when showcased on a beautiful website. Remember to use the promo code Candid Frame to enjoy 10% off your first purchase.



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Support the work we do at The Candid Frame with contributing to our Patreon effort.  You can do this by visiting patreon.com/thecandidframe or visiting the website and clicking on the Patreon button.

Direct download: The_Candid_Frame_325_-_Elias_Weiss_Friedman_The_Dogist.mp3
Category:Photo & Video -- posted at: 8:03pm PDT





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