Photographers want to create beauty. It’s the impetus that inspires many to pick up a camera and bring it to their eye. Yet, creating a pleasing composition is not the only thing that drives many a photographer to use a camera. Some hope to effect change. There are countless documentary photographers and photojournalists who have been inspired to do more with a camera than produce a pretty picture. However, you don’t have to be either to help bring about change.


Shannon Johnstone is a photographer who has been using her camera to change the lives of dogs at a local animal shelter. These are dogs, who were at risk of being euthanized. Her project and book Landfill Dogs has provided an opportunity to not only save the lives of hundreds of animals, but also create greater awareness of the importance of spaying and neutering pets.


As mentioned in the interview, adoption and rescues are not the solution to this problem. We can’t expect animals to change their behavior for our benefit. It’s our duty and responsibility as pet owners to spay and neuter animals in our care. Otherwise animals such as the ones beautifully captured in in Shannon’s photographs will continue to be destroyed.


You can find out more about spaying and neutering your pets as well as locations near you where you might adopt and find a home for a cat or dog by visiting




Shannon Johnstone


Landfill Dogs


Chris Jordan


Traer Scott




Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop with Ibarionex - January 30th, 2016

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Category:photography -- posted at: 8:31pm PDT

Donna Pinckley, a native of Louisiana, received a Bachelor of Fine Arts in photography from Louisiana Tech University and a Master of Fine Arts in photography from University of Texas at Austin.  She has received Visual Artist Fellowships from the Mid-America Arts Alliance/NEA and the Arkansas Arts Council.  

Her project Sticks and Stones examines the negative comments that some interracial couples are subject to. The project is more than just about racism, the project profiles strong people who choose to rise above hate and bigotry to build lives together based on love and respect.

Pinckley’s work has been exhibited nationally and internationally in over 200 solo/juried shows and also included in several public collections, such as the Ogden Museum of Southern Art in New Orleans, Louisiana, the University of Vera Cruz at Xalapa, Vera Cruz, Mexico, and the Photographic Collection at the Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas at Austin.  

She is currently Associate Professor at the University of Central Arkansas in Conway, Arkansas.




Donna Pinckley

Cig Harvey

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Category:photography -- posted at: 9:18pm PDT

Bruce Smith is a master fine-art nude, high-fashion and glamour photographer as well as a long-time friend of the show. For decades, he has produced amazing work for commercial and editorial clients from all over the world including some of the most popular and recognized fashion brands in bridal wear and swimwear.

Inspired by the phrase, a picture is worth a thousands words, Bruce went through his archive of images to produce a new book 130K, a collection of 130 of his best and most iconic photographs.

The books is more than just a retrospective of his work. He saw it as a personal exploration of his own creative life, to assess not just the quality of the work, but to see what all the sacrifices both professional and personal had resulted in.

His work on the book provided us an opportunity to talk about not only the editing process, but also examine how a photographer, especially a professional photographer of so many years, assesses his work and his career and his life.

Bruce Smith has recently moved to France from England, where he continues to work for his clients, as well as teach a new generation of fashion and beauty photographers through his hands-on workshops.


Below are our previous conversations Bruce Smith


The Candid Frame #16 - Bruce Smith


The Candid Frame #146 - Bruce Smith



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Category:photography -- posted at: 9:43am PDT





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